Sunday Worship
10:30am at Holy Trinity, every Sunday. Refreshments served after.
Saint Stephen’s at 5, every Sunday. Refreshments served from 4:45pm
Mondays at 9am at Holy Trinity - Morning Prayer using the Common Worship liturgy & lectionary readings for the day.
Thursdays at 9am at Saint Stephen’s - Morning Prayer using the Common Worship liturgy & lectionary readings for the day.
Thursday at 12:30pm at Saint Stephen’s - Lunchtime Eucharist.
Online Gatherings
If you are unable to join us in person or are curious to find out more before visiting please join us online by clicking here: Live-stream from Holy Trinity - Sundays at 10:30am
Other Gatherings
Wednesday Mornings, from 10am!
Our toddler group has been running since November, and we have really enjoyed meeting the new families in the Hotwells area.
We are open every Wednesday (term time only) from 10am until 11:30am, with lots of toys to explore, crafts, stories and songs.
Refreshments are available for both grown ups and children! There is no need to book on, and no charge!
For our other regular gatherings please click the links or use the calendar below to find out more details:
Resonate - the Spring / Summer dates are: 1st April, 6th May, 3rd June. Please see the calendar or click here for more details.
Alpha - please speak to Kat or Sally if you would like to know more.
Staying Connected
We are pleased to announce that Holy Trinity has been awarded a Bronze Eco Church Award from A Rocha, as we continue our increased focus on creation care.