Getting Involved

Would you like to get more involved in our community? Whether you have the occasional hour or could make a more regular commitment to one of our gatherings here are a few suggestions.

Please use the ‘Speak To’ buttons to send an email or chat to that person the next time you see them, to find out more. Any member of our welcome team will be happy to help with introductions.



We are always looking to add to our hospitality team for Sunday Services.

Could you volunteer one Sunday a month to be one of our 2 or 3 welcomers on duty?

Welcomers usually arrive about an hour before the service to prepare the church - get out service booklets, set up the communion table (if applicable), light candles etc. After welcoming folk as they arrive & looking after any latecomers you will need to keep an eye on things, count congregation numbers & take the offering. After the service you will need to count and record the offering and tidy up the church area.

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If you are new to our community this is a great way to get to know people.

Volunteer one Sunday a month to be one of our 2 or 3 servers on duty. Arrive in time to set up & serve teas & coffees from 10am and stay a similar time after the service to serve refreshments. This role also includes putting out tables & chairs & washing up and there are often others around who help with this if it’s busy.


flowers & decorations

We get a few people together to decorate the church for Easter and Christmas. If you would like this chance to get creative and make the church welcoming please let us know.

We also love to have fresh flowers in church throughout the year so if you would like to donate flowers or help with arranging these that would be appreciated.


music & worship

Do you play an instrument? Would you like to sing in a small choir?

If you’re a musician and would be interested in joining in leading the worship on a frequent or infrequent basis please let us know.


come along to one of our many other gatherings

The simplest way to feel more involved with the community is to attend some of our smaller gatherings and share in conversations.

We have various gatherings at various venues with various frequency. These include:

  • Resonate

  • The Forum

  • Blokes Prayer

  • Women Only

  • Mini-Communities

Find out more by clicking on our Gathering section at the top of the page or check the church calendar for the dates & times of our next gatherings.


trinity care services - lunch club & memory cafe

Would you like more chance to engage with or serve the older members of our community?

We are always looking for volunteers for our Thursday Lunch Club and monthly Memory Cafe. The opportunities vary from washing up to driving the minibus to providing an activity or entertainment. You can volunteer for an hour here or there or on a more regular basis. Please get in touch to find out more.


reading scripture or leading prayers

Do you enjoy public speaking?

Please let us know if you would like to be included in the people we ask to read the scriptures or lead prayers at our services.


audio visual

Are you good with technology?

Our AV desk is kept quite simple for most services. Making sure that all the microphones are working, keeping an eye on volumes and running the slides from the laptop for the words for our worship songs.

Please get in touch if you think you would like to have a go. Training will be provided.



Do you have green fingers or are you good with a broom?

In the summer 2018 we started a small community garden project for all ages & all levels of experience.

We have added a couple of raised beds for salads, herbs & flowers to the garden and we are looking for volunteers to help with growing and maintaining these beds.

We also maintain the grounds, flowerbeds and shrubs mainly through volunteer days a few times a year. If you would like to help out with this please let us know.


website & social media

Our online presence is increasingly important for communicating to members of our community and reaching new people.

Do you enjoy keeping in touch on social media or have experience of working on websites? If you would like to share your skills please let us know.


building & maintenance

Do you love buildings? Maybe this is your area of expertise.

Would you like to join the small group of volunteers who help us keep the building well maintained?

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soup run

Are you interested in helping the homeless?

In January we take responsibility for delivery the local Churches Together Saturday Soup Run. This is repeated in April at Saint Stephen’s (our sister church). Join us on these Saturday mornings to prepare and pack food and other essential items. Those who wish to then go along to St James Park to deliver these supplies to those in need.

You can read more about this on the Soup Run page.

leadership team

If you are interested in helping with the leadership of Holy Trinity, promoting our mission, growing our community and taking care of the building for future generations then we would love to have you on our PCC (Parochial Church Council). Please chat to a member of our PCC to find out more.

other ideas

If you have other ideas of how you could help or get involved please chat to a member of our PCC.