Kathryn & James
We are delighted that you are exploring being married. One of the first places you can go to receive answers to your questions is a website provided by the Church of England. Click on this link to take you to their website:
For details on weddings or reading of Banns at Holy Trinity Hotwells please contact the church office on:
Email: info@holytrinityhotwells.org Phone: 0117 983 8878
If you are reading this then it’s because you’re either thinking about a wedding or you’ve booked a wedding at Holy Trinity. A church wedding is not just about a beautiful venue – it’s about making a lifelong commitment to another person in the sight and presence of God and wider community. For many couples they sense or feel God even if they are not followers of Jesus or members of a local church – but if you engage with the real meaning of a church wedding then you will find the experience a very meaningful and deeply moving occasion (as well as a fun, exciting and joyous one).
Who can get married in the church building?
Anyone who is resident in the parish of Holy Trinity (or is on the Church Electoral Roll) or who has a qualifying connection which you can read below. We do marry divorcees at the rector’s discretion.
You can marry in a CofE church if you can show:-
That one of you:
has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
was baptised in the parish concerned or
was prepared for confirmation in the parish or
has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months or
That one of your parents, at any time after you were born:
has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months or
That one of your parents or grandparents:
was married in the parish
For more information please contact our administrator.
It is not currently possible for same-sex couples to be married in Church of England churches. However, we would be delighted to celebrate your marriage or civil partnership with prayers of blessing following a civil ceremony elsewhere. Please contact us for more information.
How do I book a wedding?
In the first instance please contact our administrator or use our contact form. You will then be invited to our Sunday worship to meet one of the Clergy team, to experience our church community, and in due course complete a Marriage Application form.
What will it cost?
The church bit of the wedding will probably be the cheapest part of the day!
The full total will be between £566 and £686.
There is much more help and information available, but the next step may be to contact the Office or talk to a member of the clergy. You are welcome to come along to one of our Sunday worship gatherings to meet us.
Breakdown of the full total – essentials
Marriage Service £480
Marriage Certificate £11 each, and obtained from Bristol Registry Office
Publications of Banns £32
Utilities £60
Verger £50
Pianist/Organist £60 - £120
When do I need to pay?
You will need to pay a non-returnable deposit of £100 after you have completed the initial Banns of Marriage form. This deposit will need to be paid within four weeks of your initial enquiry.
The fees need to be paid in full three weeks before the wedding day and cheques should be payable to “Holy Trinity Church PCC” and sent to the Church Office. We can also provide BACS information.