Sunday 29th March - 5th Sunday of Lent
Good Morning & welcome all to our virtual Sunday Gathering
UPDATE: This service began with Lee leading from a Live stream on Facebook on Sunday 29th March at 10:30am, see below or click here to view on Facebook.
Vicar Lee will be leading the service this morning, if you would like to follow along with the liturgy please open the service booklet using the link below.
This Sunday morning was marked in our rotas as being ‘experimental’ - little did we know! We’ve kept some of the experimental feel; our ordinands Ben, Alex and Laura have put together a creative journey through the story of Lazarus. Worship God in Morning Prayer first, then watch the videos below second.
“To pray from and in the home may help us to show that the church is, as we all know, about us the people of God, not our buildings.”
Please wait until after you have heard Lee lead us through the beginning of today’s service before you watch the below 3 videos which make up today’s talk.
If you are watching with family then we encourage to take a few moments to chat about what you hear today. If you are watching alone then maybe you could make contact with 1 or 2 others over WhatsApp or even a Zoom call, with a coffee in hand - much like you would do most Sunday mornings.
An introduction to lazarus
Our first video this morning centres around John 11.1-16. It’s a modern twist on the story!
Jesus in the midst of crisis
Our second video is from Ben, about how Jesus coped in a crisis.
Prayer & Response
Our prayer response this morning will be in the form of an Ignatian spiritual exercise through the last part of our passage - John 11.38-45.
With everything else going on it’s easy to overlook that we have reached the end of the 4th week of Lent.
For each day of Lent #LiveLent offers a Bible reading, a short reflection and an action to help you live in greater harmony with God, neighbour and nature. Download the app or sign up for daily emails by clicking this link to the Church of England #LiveLent daily reflection and other resources
Each day the reflections and actions are particularly helpful for our routines whilst we are living in isolation.
Here is the family action for this weekend.
With just 2 weeks to go until Easter, we encourage you all to engage with these #LiveLent resources if you can.