Good Friday

Thursday 9th April

Welcome to our virtual Good Friday Service

Good Friday, Holy Trinity Hotwells, 2018

Good Friday, Holy Trinity Hotwells, 2018

Our service will be led by Revd Richard Croft and Revd Dru Brooke-Taylor with music from Fran Key.

This contemplative service has been pre-recorded and can be viewed in full on the video below.

If you would like to follow along with the words being read, please click the red button below to view a copy of the Passion Script .

Dru, Richard and Fran are looking forward to sharing this time with you and all the members of our community watching this video on this day.

to close

A Locked Church

Ah my dear Lord, the church is locked

but let my heart be open to your presence;

there let us make, you and I,

your Easter garden;

plant it with flowers,

and let the heavy stone be rolled away.

Alan Amos