Weekly Service - Sunday 23rd August

Sunday 23rd August - 11th Sunday after Trinity

Good Morning & welcome all to our virtual Sunday Gathering

Frances will be leading the service this morning with a virtual communion, music, readings & prayers and the talk from Alex all streamed Live on Facebook at 10:30am.

Our bible readings for today are Exodus 1.8-2.10 and Matthew 16.13-20

The words for the service will be on the screen for you to follow along this week. A copy of these words (liturgy) are in the booklet linked below.

If you are missing seeing people from church is there someone you can make contact with to see if they fancy joining you for a chat on WhatsApp / Zoom / Facetime or the telephone after the Live Stream service? Grab a coffee and have a catch up much like you would in church on a Sunday morning. If you are not sure who you could make contact with please speak to Vicar Lee or one of the churchwardens (Dave, Jeanette, Maria or Alan) and we will see what we can arrange for you.

A recording of the live stream will appear here after the service.


Click on these links for fun worksheets and activities to do with the kids, including a making a paper boat….

You will also find more useful links for families on the Junior & Small Church Resources page.

For our closing prayer this Sunday
