Weekly Service - Sunday 18th April

Sunday 18th April - 3rd Sunday of Easter


Good Morning & welcome all to our online Sunday Gathering

This morning’s service will be lead by Richard, with music, readings & prayers and the talk from Frances, all streamed Live on Facebook at 10:30am.

Our bible readings for today are Genesis 3.1-15 and John 20.1-18

You will be able to follow the entire service on the screen. A copy of this liturgy is also available if you click the below link.

*** A recording of the service has now been added below ***


Click this link for fun worksheets and activities to do with the kids, exploring together, the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples on the Emmaus Road!…


You will also find more useful links for families on the Junior & Small Church Resources page.

personal prayer time

Introducing: Lectio 365 Night Prayers

Lectio 365 Night Prayers are NEW daily meditations to help you reflect on your day, pray the Bible and prepare to sleep.


Lectio Night Prayers help you to pause and be still at the end of each day, noticing where God has been present, and inviting His peace as you prepare to sleep.

Pause to process the day with contemplative content that follows a simple rhythm towards rest:

REFLECT …on the day that has passed, relinquishing stress and control

REJOICE …in God’s goodness, noticing his presence throughout the day

REPENT … of my sins, receiving forgiveness for what has gone wrong

REST …in readiness for sleep

Each section is rooted in scripture, enabling you to recentre and refocus on the power and presence of God’s word every evening.

Lectio 365 Night Prayers, like morning prayers, are available to read or to listen to, and have been recorded by 24-7 Prayer’s Pete Greig and Hannah Heather.

The content has been written to complement the Lectio 365 morning daily devotional content which will continue to help you P.R.A.Y the Bible every day. 

Download the Lectio 365 app for free on App store (Apple) and Google Play (Android)

For our closing prayer this Sunday

From https://www.englishcathedrals.co.uk/

From https://www.englishcathedrals.co.uk/