Weekly Service - Sunday 28th Feb

Sunday 28th Feb - 2nd Sunday of Lent

Good Morning & welcome all to our online Sunday Gathering

This morning’s service will be lead by Laura, with music, readings & prayers and the talk from Richard, all streamed Live on Facebook at 10:30am.

Our bible readings for today are Genesis 17. 1-7, 15-16 and Mark 8.31-38

You will be able to follow the entire service on the screen. A copy of this liturgy is also available if you click the below link.

If you are watching alone or missing seeing people from church, is there someone you can make contact with to see if they fancy joining you for a chat on WhatsApp / Zoom / Facetime or the telephone after the Live Stream service? Grab a coffee and have a catch up much like you would in church on a Sunday morning. If you are not sure who you could make contact with please speak to Vicar Lee or one of the churchwardens (Dave, Jeanette, Maria or Alan) and we will see what we can arrange for you.

*** UPDATE: A recording of the service has been added below ***


Click this link for fun worksheets and activities to do with the kids, including a follow the leader game and prayer activities with the cross. .

Lent activities. . .

You will also find more useful links for families on the Junior & Small Church Resources page.

personal prayer time this Lent

#LiveLent 2021.jpg

We are encouraging the communities for Saint Stephen’s and Holy Trinity to engage with #LiveLent2021 - God's Story, Our Story.

There’s a bible passage, reflection and prayer to take us on our Lent journey to Easter.

Week 2 - Stories of Transformation Mon 1st to Sun 7th Mar

When Jesus met people, they rarely remained the same. Broken people were made whole, broken relationships were restored, the marginalised found out that God cared for them. Our faith stories are stories of how God has changed us for the better. These stories of life change are powerful.

This week, take time to think about how God has changed you. Have there been particular moments when you have known God has been at work in your life?

You can access the daily #LIveLent reflections on your smart speaker or social media if you follow the Church of England streams. There is also an App. or you can simply sign up for daily emails. Find links here.

Click here for our full page of Lent Resources

For our closing prayer this Sunday
