Weekly Service - Sunday 21st March

Sunday 21st Mar - 5th Sunday of Lent

Good Morning & welcome all to our online Sunday Gathering

This morning’s service will be lead by Richard, with music, readings & prayers and the talk from Laura, all streamed Live on Facebook at 10:30am.

Our bible readings for today are Jerimiah 31.31-34 and John 12.20-33

You will be able to follow the entire service on the screen. A copy of this liturgy is also available if you click the below link.


This will be held on Zoom. Listen out during the service for login details or see the invite shared by Phil in the Community Forum group on Facebook.

We might not be together physically but we can still make a brew and have a chat!

*** UPDATE: A recording of the service has been added below ***


Click this link for fun worksheets and activities to do with the kids, including active listening and tips for listening to God…

Lent activities. . .


You will also find more useful links for families on the Junior & Small Church Resources page.

personal prayer time this Lent

#LiveLent 2021.jpg

We are encouraging the communities for Saint Stephen’s and Holy Trinity to engage with #LiveLent2021 - God's Story, Our Story.

There’s a bible passage, reflection and prayer to take us on our Lent journey to Easter.

Week 5 - Listening for echoes Mon 22nd to Sun 28th Mar

Hannah Steele in Living His Story suggests that there are four big questions which every culture must address. These are:’who are we?’; ‘what is wrong?; ‘what’s the solution? and ‘what’s the future?’ By listening for the echoes of those questions in our own culture, and the ways in which culture tries to address them, we can find creative ways to share the story of God which connect with people.

This week, think about a book or film or TV programme that you have engaged with recently. How does it try to address these four big questions? How would you answer them?

You can access the daily #LIveLent reflections on your smart speaker or social media if you follow the Church of England streams. There is also an App. or you can simply sign up for daily emails. Find links here.

Click here for our full page of Lent Resources

For our closing prayer this Sunday
